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Osho’s Tips for Travellers

Traveling is exciting, educating and rejuvenating but the body  gets exhausted due to the discomfort and incovenience incurred in travelling.  It makes the comfort-loving people think twice before giving up the luxury of home. But you can be relaxed while travelling and use this  hectic activity  as medit tion. Here are some unique Osho tips for the travel enthusiasts. Now  you can enjoy traveling without suffering from its side effects.

Sway with the moving vehicle You get tired while travelling because when you are  in a vehicle, you are resisting. The vehicle sways to the left, but you resist it. You sway to the right in order to balance; otherwise you think you will fall down. So you are constantly resisting.

And the second thing, create a rhythm. Create a rhythm in your movements. Make it a beautiful harmony. Forget about the road; do not curse the road and the government — forget them.  Close your eyes, do not resist. Move rhythmically and create a music in your movement. Make it as if it is a dance.   The best tranquilizer For people who cannot sleep, this is the best medicine yet known, better than any tranquilizer. Just close your eyes and rub your hands, and feel them getting warmer and warmer and warmer – and through rubbing they will get warmer – and also put into your imagination that they are getting warmer. When the hands are warm, the head becomes cool. These are the two polarities.

Visit Cape Verde

Cape Verde is an Archipelago of nine islands lying like a jeweled necklace off the coast of West Africa. Situated in the Atlantic Ocean, 460km west of Senegal, the Cape Verde Islands are a Volcanic Archipelago made up of 10 main islands and 5 smaller ones. Until recently Cape Verde’s beauty was largely kept a secret – the long beaches of endless white sand, lapped by turquoise ocean: the historical mystery of colonial style towns like Ribeira Grande the first European City in the tropics: the wide variety of landscapes – from dramatic volcanic – to lush and verdant.

Nowadays, the Cape Verde islands are opening up to tourists, especially holiday makers searching for a rich blend of fresh holiday experiences. Even the Cape Verde people are unique, being a cultural mix of their two nearest neighbors – Senegal and Brazil, this combination is most obvious in the ever-present Cape Verde music; a scintillating hip-swinging fusion of Samba and Salsa sprinkled with tribal African.

If you enjoy fine beaches, beautiful scenery, vibrant cultures and have a sense of adventure Cape Verde will not disappoint. There is plenty to see and do: Diving, Hill Walking, Fishing, Windsurfing or just relaxing on the beach.

Visit China

China has a large number of wonderful tour destinations from charming river to gargantuan mountains, from delicate water towns to solemn imperial palace, from splendid national cultural heritage to colorful folk custom. Beijing, Shanghai and Xian should be the most visited three cities to view the most profiles of China. The well-know Great Wall, Forbidden City, Summer Palace and Temple of Heaven describe the long and gorgeous history of capital Beijing.

Standing on the Bund of Huangpu River, you could see the city’s rapid development from the great changes on two banks. Xian should be the most shining pearl on the Yellow River along which the ancient Chinese culture originated. Winding through eleven provinces and cities, Yangtze River is the longest river in China. A Yangtze River Cruise down from Chongqing to Yichang will be an enjoyable holiday with unbroken green mountains.

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Visa Requirements

•Original passport with minimum 06 months validity

•02 photos ( 35mm x 45mm , white background)

•Onward and return ticket itinerary.

•Hotel voucher

•Financial status

Visit Brazil

Brazil is not just a football crazy nation or samba drums, but this country has plenty to astonish any traveler.

Destinations in Brazil

Rio de Janeiro, Iguassu Waterfalls, The Amazon, The Pantanal, Salvador de Bahia, Sao Paulo, Brasilia, Recife , Fortaleza , Fernando de Noronha… the endless list of attractions in this land can amaze you.

Sprawling across half of South America, Brazil is the fifth largest country in the world. White-sand beaches, tropical islands, music-filled metropolises and charming colonial towns are dotting its 7,500 km (4,600 mi) long coastline. Inland, Brazil tourist attractions consist of imposing waterfalls, wetlands filled with wildlife, and the untouched wilderness of the Amazon rainforest where several isolated tribes still live without any contact with the rest of the world.

The diversity of the country’s landscapes and people ensure a practically endless list of things to do. In Brazil, you can also go scuba diving, go deep-sea fishing, or witness the sights and sounds of carnival.

Visa Requirements

  •  Passport
  •  Photos
  •  return ticket
  •  Exchange Or Credit Card Copy
  •  Hotel confirmation
  •  Yellow fever certificate

Visit New Zealand

The incomparable natural beauty alongside the vast number of outdoor activities that one can indulge in makes New Zealand a tourist’s paradise. New Zealand may be an island nation far flung on the far end of the world, but it can boast one of the most untarnished landscapes you will ever have the pleasure of seeing.

New Zealand has an unlimited range of tourist attractions and activities, located throughout the country. Whether you are looking for adrenaline-pumping adventure, or a relaxing game of golf, there is an activity or attraction to suit everyone’s tastes, age, culture and budget in New Zealand.

Christchurch city and the Canterbury region are in full swing for 2012 hosting international buskers, golfers and garden aficionados this summer, with plenty more to come.

When planning your trip to New Zealand, you’ll make a list of things you absolutely must do. Here are a few ideas to get you started. Try hiking across a glacier, mountain biking through ancient rainforest or skiing down the side of a volcano. If you’re feeling really brave, go bungy jumping – it was invented here after all. Go kayaking through mystical fiords, surfing past golden-sand beaches or scuba diving through a marine reserve. If you prefer to stay dry, jump into a boat and watch the whales, dolphins and seals splash by. For those intent on relaxation, we have golf courses, wine tours and scenic flights to dazzle you. Soak in a geothermal hot pool, or take a quiet wander through our galleries and museums. And don’t forget to visit a cultural centre or marae and be captivated by our Maori heritage.

New Zealand is a food and wine lover’s paradise. Vineyards stretch throughout every region, chefs put playful local twists on fine cuisine and festivals serve up taste sensations with a side of local music.

Choose the perfect place to begin the rest of your life together – choose New Zealand, and share with your soul mate one of the best places for a honeymoon in the world.

That’s just a few of the things to do in New Zealand.

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Visa Requirements

  • Passport
  • Photos
  • IT return
  • Credit Card
  • Hotel Voucher

Visit Madagascar

Madagascar has evolved into one of the world’s most phenomenal destinations for natural history travel. The fourth largest island in the world was created more than 125 million years ago when a piece of the African mainland broke away and drifted into the Indian Ocean. Isolated from mainland, this tropical Eden known as Madagascar, evolved into a safe haven for some of the most unusual life forms on earth – a zoologist’s dream island teeming with chameleons, mongoose and lemurs and an apothecary’s laboratory with precious medicinal plants and herbs.

Madagascar travel takes you through diverse habitats, 220 small islands to Bio-diversity hot spot. We get to be amazed by different species of lemurs, a primate group found only on Madagascar, and identify many species of chameleons in their wild habitat as well as some of the world’s most bizarre creatures on Earth like the nightmarish hissing cockroach, so-called Dracula ants, and the Giraffe-necked weevil. Rich and fascinating culture, heritage today is composed of 18 different ethnic groups that derive from a long history of trade and migration from throughout Indonesia, Africa and the Arabian Peninsula, all united today in a common Malagasy culture and language. Legendary hospitality of the Malagasy population.

This beautiful isaland offers you:

Sun and Beach Tourism

Adventure Tourism

Sports Tourism

Culture Tourism

Eco-Tourism .

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Visa details:

Passport photos return ticket hotel voucher