Visit Osaka, Japan

Visit Osaka, Japan with Osaka Air Travels.

Autumn (September to November) is a great time to travel: the temperatures are pleasant, and the autumn colours in the countryside are fantastic. A collection of famous festivals and cultural events  are held throughout the year all over Japan. Spend your time in

» Tokyo

Tokyo is a place where the urgent rhythms of consumer culture collide with the quieter moments that linger from older traditions. Sightseeing in its streets can be a neon assault that leaves you elated and breathless or an encounter with the exquisite art of understatement.

» Daisetsuzan National Park

Japan’s largest national park (2309 sq km/1432 sq mi) is in central Hokkaido, the northernmost and second largest of Japan’s islands. The park, which consists of several mountain groups, volcanoes, lakes and forests, is spectacular hiking and skiing territory.

» Kyoto

Kyoto, with its hundreds of temples and gardens is the cultural centre of Japan.

» Mt Fuji

Japan’s highest mountain (3776m/12,385ft) is a perfectly symmetrical volcanic cone which last blew its top in 1707, covering the streets of Tokyo 100km (62mi) away with volcanic ash. It’s sometimes visible from Tokyo but is more often mystically shrouded by cloud or, in winter, capped off by snow.

visa requirements:

  • Passport valid  for  at least six months
    • Return confirm      ticket
    • Hotel      confirmation / Tour plan
  • 2 photographs      with white background 2*2

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